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BEYOND ETERNITY – Architecture Facing the Impermanence is an exploration of architecture in the context of climate change, resource scarcity, circular strategies, real estate speculations and refugees crisis, framed within the context of the second edition of the Sharjah Architecture Triennial.

This architectural documentary addresses the various themes of the Triennial featuring interviews with the Nigerian based architect and curator of the Triennial, Tosin Oshinowo, as well as following international architects/artists (based in Denmark, India, Nigeria, Lebanon, Ghana and Palestine) elaborating on their projects:

Henry Glogau & Aleksander Kongshaug, based in Copenhagen, Denmark (on Resource Autonomy)

Vinu Daniel from Wallmakers, based in Kerala, India (on 3-Minute Corridor)

Bubu Ogisi, based in Lagos, Nigeria (on Óré ì Sé Àgbòn)

Adrian Pepe, based in Beirut, Lebanon (on Utility of Being)

Emil Grip from Limbo Accra, based in Accra, Ghana (on Super Limbo)

DAAR: Sandi Hilal/Alessandro Petti, based in Bethlehem, Palestine (on Concrete Tent)

BEYOND ETERNITY – Architecture Facing the Impermanence is an exploration on the global effects of modernity in architecture, and its struggle with current issues such as climate change, social disputes, resource scarcity, financial speculations and refugees.



Architecture Facing the Impermanence

UAE/AT 2024, 60min


Original language: English
Production: Mies. TV
Platform Cooperation: Movies in Wonderland
A film by: Arian Lehner




28th May 2024 Vienna (AT) – Opening Architekturtage (World Premiere)

12th July 2024 Eisenstadt (AT)– Architektur Raumburgenland

17th September 2024 Linz (AT)– Moviemento w/ AFO Oberösterreich

16th October 2024 Klagenfurt (AT) – Volkskino w/ Architekturhaus Kärnten

12th November 2024 Basel (CH) – Domushaus

(TBC) December 2024 Vienna (AT) – I oA (Institute of Architecture), Angewandte

21st January 2025 St. Pölten (AT) – Cinema Paradiso w/ ORTE

(TBC) January 2025 Graz (AT) – HDA Graz

(TBC) 2025 Hannover (DE) – B D A  Niedersachsen

About Mies.TV (production):
Mies.TV is an international architecture-interview show, which was originally founded by students from all over the world (Austria, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Mexico, France, Netherlands).  Mies.TV’s aim is to bring informal and uninhibited filmed interviews with architects (both large and small) to a wider audience through screenings and publically available films. Our content feeds into our alternative coverage and is all wrapped up in what we see as one big architectural adventure.

About Movies in Wonderland (platform):
Movies in Wonderland is a traveling open air pop up film festival on architecture and urbanism, taking place in public spaces. The festival engages audiences to discuss their cities and neighborhoods with filmmakers, planners and other special guests.



"BEYOND ETERNITY – Architecture Facing the Impermanence" ist eine Architekturerkundung im Kontext von Klimawandel, Ressourcenknappheit, zirkulären Strategien, Immobilienspekulationen und Flüchtlingskrisen.

Dieser Dokumentarfilm reflektiert über das Potenzial zukünftiger, nachhaltiger Architektur jenseits der dominanten Perspektiven der nördlichen Industriestaaten. Im Rahmen eines Besuchs der „Sharjah Architecture Triennial“ 2023 in den Emiraten begibt der Film sich im Interview mit der in Nigeria lebenden Architektin und Kuratorin der Triennale, Tosin Oshinowo, auf die Suche nach wichtigen Fragestellungen unserer Zeit: Sollen wir so weitermachen wie bisher? Welche Architektur wollen wir? Was kostet der verschwenderische Life Style unseren Planten? Darüber hinaus kommen an der Triennale beteiligte internationale Architekt:innen / Künstler:innen aus Dänemark, Indien, Nigeria, Libanon, Ghana und Palästina über ihre spannenden Projekte zu Wort.

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